This is the official website for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Fullerton.
We long to see thriving communities of faith planted in every corner or every campus: communities that believe that to be Christian isn't to give up who we are but rather to step into the fullness of who God has made us to be. We hope to see every gender, ethnicity, major, fraternity, sorority, denomination, and interest group on campus become transformed by the unrelenting love of Jesus Christ. |
So, what can I expect?We love hanging out on campus (when we're not enduring COVID-19), attending crazy conferences, and meeting new people. We also love serving our community and expanding the Kingdom of God by spreading the love He has shown us to others around campus and in our city. No matter where you are at in your spiritual journey, we want you to know that you are welcome here.
Check out our Regular Gatherings here. |
Is InterVarsity only in Fullerton?We are affiliated with the national movement of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA: an interdenominational campus ministry active on over 600 campuses nationwide.
InterVarsity's mission is to establish and advance witnessing communities on the college campus, and to see students & faculty transformed by God, the entire campus renewed, and world changers developed. To find an InterVarsity chapter at your school click here. |
InterVarsity traces its roots to a movement of British university students in the 1870s. The first InterVarsity chapter in the United States began in 1938 at the University of Michigan. Since InterVarsity was incorporated in 1941, thousands of students have become thoughtful representatives of God's Kingdom and have moved into leadership roles in churches, organizations, corporations & agencies around the world.
©2013-2021 Fullerton InterVarsity All Rights Reserved.
Site powered by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship