What is Fall Con?Our first major conference of the year, Fall Conference kicks off online! Join us for a weekend to experience engaging teaching, great musical worship, and space to make new friends & reconnect with old ones!
We will have various conference tracks that you can choose to take for the duration of the conference! Scroll down to check them out! Not to forget, you also get a conference shirt for going! Details:DATES: October 1 -3, 2021
LOCATION: Campus by the Sea, Catalina Island Meet on Friday, October 1st at the CSUF Titan letters (by TSU) at approximately 12:00pm We will get back to campus on Sunday, October 3rd by 3:00pm DEADLINE TO REGISTER: September 17th COST: $99 ($50 deposit reserves your space) Costs includes all transportation, room & board |
Register by 11.59pm on Sunday October 18 to be entered in a raffle for AirPods! (Must be present at conference to win)
SPIRITUAL GRITThese are difficult times and God wants to meet us, here and now. Anxiety and disappointment can either cause us to run away from God or go deeper with him. Join us in this track as we learn how to cultivate resilience by bringing all of who we are to Jesus.
HEALTHIER RELATIONSHIPS FOR A THRIVING LIFEOur family and friends bring us real joy and real pain. God created us as relational beings, and our relationships with family and friends shape us in beautiful or broken ways. Jesus can teach us how to have healthy relationships, far beyond the wisdom this world gives. Come join us as we learn from Jesus how to become truly loving people who thrive in life
SPIRITUALITY AND ACTIVISMAs followers of Jesus we are called to be people who bring the margins to the center, overturn systems that oppress God’s people and to be a voice for the voiceless. How do we not burn out? How do we integrate our faith life and activism? Come and join us as we discuss how to integrate activism as part of our lifelong discipleship in following Jesus.
LEARNING HOW TO HEAR GOD'S VOICEMany of us ask the question: can God speak to me? Does he want to? How can I hear his voice? God doesn’t just want to speak to you but he’s designed you to hear his voice. Join us in this track as we explore different ways to hear and follow God’s voice in our lives.
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