Are you a graduate student looking to find a community where you can grow in your faith? We are here for you! Our staff knows that unique challenges and stresses accompany pursuing a graduate degree, so our vision is to cultivate an environment in which students thrive in their relationship with Jesus AND their academic journey.
Spiritual FormationWe cultivate intimacy with God and growth in Christ-like character through personal and corporate disciplines, including the rigorous study of Scripture and regular prayer that expresses our faith, love, and dependence on God.
Evangelism & ServiceWe demonstrate and proclaim the gospel within the university and professions with love and boldness, calling all to repentance, faith, and new life in Jesus Christ. We join with God’s people to serve in our communities and to extend his kingdom cross-culturally on campus and around the world.
CommunityWe gather as communities of graduate students and faculty to learn and worship, to challenge and care for each other, and to serve as a welcoming place for believers and seekers alike. We pursue ethnic reconciliation by practicing grace and truth and by promoting personal and systemic justice. We also encourage students and faculty to be active members in their local congregations.
Integration of Faith, Learning, & PracticeWe demonstrate and proclaim the gospel within the university and professions with love and boldness, calling all to repentance, faith, and new life in Jesus Christ. We join with God’s people to serve in our communities and to extend his kingdom cross-culturally on campus and around the world.
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